Then again there are very useful things that are not part of a basic scout or infantry squad inventory yet.

- mine search needles (just in case you're stuck and can't wait for engineers. Knifes are inferior for the purpose).
- slim periscopes
- LMG tripod with periscope kit
- rifle attachments for easy cracking of windows (a few gram on a modified flash hider do the trick)

There are more things that deserve to be considered, such as
- helmet-mounted foldable cheek armour (not for scouts)
- water purify equipment (advanced filters, not pills)
- Reflex-style suppressors (for maximum flash hiding)
- parascope UCS for carbines
- cheek rest for (>1.5x scope) rifles

By the way; scout squads and infantry platoons have often good use for a military dog. Some dog breeds were even used for towing loads (even in WW1), and they certainly could carry a few kg once they're trained to do it (vests of all kinds irritate dogs until they get used to them).
(Dogs are also good for morale, not just for scouting/guarding, explosives detection and tracking.)