Here's a note from a real-life CRCer in S/CRS. He used the term Comprehensive Interoperability (CINT) which I hadn't heard before and defines it as:

the ability down the road to mount joint stability operations
In addition:

CINT is critical to getting the civilian supply right, for no single government is building sufficient individual capacity to mount these operations on its own; nor politically would it be wise to try to do so. "Comprehensive" is a horizontal term, not a vertical term, that refers to foreign policy tools that range across the spectrum, including stability operations that employ the hard tools of military power and the soft tools of long term development. Improved coordination among actors can lead to better stability operations and better outcomes for the recipient nations.
He also states that he and S/CRS
are helping our own government's principal policy makers become fully familiar with the new soft power tool they hold in their hands
He nails it right there. Isn't part of the problem that these policy makers are all sitting around holding their tools of soft power in their hands?