Tervist Kaur !
A good and simple read. Great post. I would love your thoughts from an Estonian point of view. But then, we are both in Tallinn, and can freely ramble at a local watering hole over a brew

American forces entering Iraq with Kuwaiti translators encountered an unexpected negative Iraqi response due to animosity between Iraqis and Kuwaitis, of which many Americans were unaware. Tribal rivalries have also come into play due to the need for US forces to rely heavily on locally hired translators, some of whom may cause interference with US objectives and operations or even gain a disproportionate influence.4
I had said this so many times in Africa. Don't take a local translator for anything other than a shopping trip. They will only paint the picture that they see fit. They will also translate your English into a much softer local tone and any significant content will be generally lost. Conversely, when they translate back to you, it will be harsh and filled with an antagonistic attitude.

It's time to get our folks up to speed and become better translators.

Regards, Stan