Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
We can say we are conducting "Population-Centric COIN", but that is really describing TACTICs, not the strategic/operational focus.
It's not even a tactic, and operations are designed to enable tactics. I see no connection with Strategy, except to ensure tactics are delivered at the right time and place.

POP-COIN is rubbish. It's a bad idea born of bad thinking. Why do the POP-COINs are basically dragging the population into the fight. Best way bar none to protect the population is to focus on breaking the will of the enemy.

It works. It's proven to work. What the POP-COINers keep referencing is irrelevant tactical action that has folk believe you are "winning battles" but "loosing the war." This is only true when tactics and operations are done very badly. Winning a battle should inextricably and immediately lead to next engagement. - Which is why the core functions are Find, Fix, Strike, and Exploit!