Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
him -- but I may...

To return the thread from whence it came, I've been to Haiti, no desire to go back. I'm inclined to agree with your assessment on that topic.
I slurped at the Army trough a long time, so it's possible. More likely if you were a grunt, considerably less likely if you were SF, as the nearest I came to that was attachment or being co- / near-located. In either case, though, I'd be very surprised if we didn't know some of the same people, even if we have 10-15 years difference in entering service, which we might. I didn't enlist until 74.

Haitians...you know, I felt sorry for them. Even when they were (incompetently) trying to steal from us, I felt sorry for them. They, none of them, created the world into which they were born and, as Marc pointed out, to act any other way than they do, in that world, would be a kind of insanity.