Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
obviously, the poster maker printed it and knowing what passes for humor in airborne infantry units, I suspect the allegedly black soldier who inserted it in the slide packet though it was off the wall funny -- or, conversely, he could've wanted to get someone in trouble by doing exactly what 'they' told him to do (that, too is an old airborne attribute... ).

If what apparently occurred is the case -- and we still do not really know for sure -- the message is "Screw up tactically and you may get a bad OER; screw up politically and you WILL be relieved." That's not a message that should be sent.
It occurs to me (with absolutely no evidence at all), however, that the slides might simply have been the powerpoint straw that broke the camel's back--and that there could have been a range of other issues also at play in the decision to relieve them.