Quote Originally Posted by Rex Brynen View Post
It occurs to me (with absolutely no evidence at all), however, that the slides might simply have been the powerpoint straw that broke the camel's back--and that there could have been a range of other issues also at play in the decision to relieve them.
The military justice system is often slammed for giving excessive sentences for minor offenses. That is usually the result of a long term miscreant who has successfully evaded punishment for months or years finally being nailed for something, no matter how petty, in order to make him or her pay for those other crimes...

Same principle here as you suggest. Could be little more than Boss X being annoyed or even harassed by Subordinate Y and finally being "rid of a meddlesome priest."

Could be a few more serious issues -- but I'd bet not, else there'd likely be a Court Martial...

Early days. We'll see.