Ok, I didn’t like the piece either. I also saw a lot of things that I didn’t like. To say that the reporting of the SF team was somehow not “blessed off” on just doesn’t make sense. Of course it was blessed off on. The Special Forces leadership for quite awhile has been trying to generate publicity to sell itself. This piece was just as bad as the piece that was done by National Geographic a couple of years ago, only the team didn’t get the TV crew and some of their team members killed. As a Special Forces soldier who recently retired I can tell you, and it pains me to say this, but this was an accurate portrayal of today’s Special Forces. What is and has happened in the Special Forces community is very complex. The Special Forces community since 9/11 has gone through major transformations. No longer do you have seasoned NCO’s on a team who are experts at what they do and who are truly the “seniors” in their respected MOS’s. I have seen teams where both “juniors” and “seniors” have graduated the Q-course at the same time, neither of them will get the mentorship they deserve. Now compound this with a new Team Leader who just graduated along with some of his NCO’s who by the way could very well have been 18X’s and who don’t have any true military back ground or leadership experience except for what they received in the Q- course or should I say “AIT”. For a Team Sgt this is a huge problem, because he is now not just trying to mentor a new Team Leader that doesn’t know a whole lot but now he has to treat his team like an over glorified Infantry squad. Not what Special Forces was meant to be. I truly believe as others have expressed that 60 minutes probably tried to do their best to make the team look good and for the average viewer with no military background they probably thought it was a good report. However, for those of us who know and understand what we saw, this piece was truly an embarrassment to Special Forces. I could go on but wont, the whole subject saddens me because I care so deeply.