Hi Reed,

Quote Originally Posted by reed11b View Post
The unit I am dealing with now is A) Not the unit I am in and is not having problems with bigotry, they are having difficulty with allowing outside agencies in to provide support for there redeploying soldiers; B) In the unit that I am assigned, I have never heard an inappropriate conversation about religion and that is true for the vast majority of units I have served in.
Yup, it does. Anyway, I took your comments to mean more along the line of general population atmospherics .

Quote Originally Posted by reed11b View Post
The AF academy has had problems with sexism, rape, racism, and recently bigotry. My comments are aimed at the academy, not "Christians" in the service. I am also sure that the majority of the instructors are conscientious and moral.
Honestly, from what I gathered years back during my fieldwork, the vast majority of the AF (and Army and Navy) weren't problems at all. Sure, some people would tell my informants "You do WHAT?!?", but that's not surprising. I certainly never heard about any overt acts inside any military organization similar to the ones I heard about in the civilian world.

Quote Originally Posted by reed11b View Post
Hope that makes things a little clearer.
Yup, and thanks for clarifying.

This is always one of the tricky ones to talk about, especially in a forum where it's hard to communicate tonality and facial expressions (beyond the four we are allowed ).



ps. Yes, I do know something about the Colorado Craft community and some of the people in it.