Quote Originally Posted by Beelzebubalicious View Post
Here's one person's take-away from that op-ed:
Hey Eric,
Seems the link to Reuters is more to the point without the voodoo sierra. Sounds abysmal but then sounds much like Africa with overwhelming logistics and looting. Should have been someone coordinating the relief effort before friends starting flying in from all over

"The sad truth is that no one is in charge of Haiti today. This vacuum, coupled with the robust response from the Obama administration, has inevitably created a situation where the U.S. will be the de facto decision-maker in Haiti."

Pickup trucks stacked high with bodies could be seen making their way through traffic-clogged streets on Thursday morning, on their way to drop off the dead at the morgue attached to Hospital General, the city's main health facility.

But Guy LaRoche, the hospital's director, said it was already filled to overflowing with more than 1,500 rapidly decomposing bodies. Many had been left lying out in the sun. LaRoche said he had had no contact with any government officials to see what to do with them.