Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
No, the message is part and parcel of the means. Humans convinced through IO/PSYOPS did the killing. I never saw a machete decide to kill anyone.
These folk didn't kill other folk because of a couple of broadcasts. They were basically invited to wipe out the "opposition" as part of a policy. They voted with machetes. That may be IO, but it's basically aligning IO with partly political broadcasts and not with - as you have usefully said, "Using information to support policy."
Will is always mental, Wilf. Separating that from the means to apply that will is artificial.
Will is also very context specific and variable in nature. Having said that I'm all for anything that breaks will.
Bush and 1991--yep he did but the Shia lacked the means. Did it have an effect? Yep and the result was the failed revolt.
- so basically useless
PSYOPS is included among fires as as way to address its effects in planning and execution. It works.
So fires breaks will? Makes sense to me. I take PSYOPS to be specific planned and re-sourced operations aimed at damaging the enemy psychologically. It's not new and it's nothing to do with the "internet."