Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
Roller, rake, dozer & flail.

The double extruder idea didn't work properly afaik and magnetic solutions don't work against mechanical mines either. Simple pushing devices (that bend feeling antennas early) are uninteresting in this context as well.

Rake and dozer don't work satisfactorily in hard ground against buried mines. Rollers rarely if ever work satisfactorily.
Flail is terribly slow.

Did I miss one?

Anyway; the point is that mineclearing equipment is a sideshow even though the enemy is extremely weak and thus limited to little else but a mine campaign due to his lack of survivability in combat.
I realize your latest argument with robots didn't go over well, but never thought of you inside an armored vehicle performing mechanical demining Something in the recent past ?

Anyway, the point in this particular thread is some magic set of bags with liquid contents being combined to initiate an explosion (although I have some serious doubts much like the recent Nigerian as to some explosive force being contained in sandwich bags ).

I'm not sure about your point regarding mechanical demining being a sideshow. So quick to eliminate something that has been around for decades and performs its mission without fatalities (even among the most novice of operators in Africa).

I'll bite: You first argued over speed which was way off and now contend nothing works. You got me Fuchs !