A square click is a square kilometre - and that's 1,000 x 1,000 metres = a million square metres.

There's Keiler. Its operating speed is 1.5 to 4.5 km/h - mediocre walking pace at best. The width is 6.35 m

4.5 km/h * 6.36 m = 4,500 m /h * 6.35 m = 28,575 sq m/h
That's 1/35th of a square klick. That's of course total theory, the upper end of the imaginable given its tech specs. The real performance is more like creating two or three gaps in minefields (few hundred metres deep) during the course of a combat day.

Minebreaker is an even more rare vehicle and its producer claims a performance of 1.5 to 2 ha (Hektar) per day. That's up to 2 x 100 x 100m = 20,000 sq m.
Its width is approx 4m, and a day of work has most likely about 8-10 working hours.

Finally there is the R/C MAK Rhino. A report from Croatia tells about 150,000 sq m cleared in 14 days. That's 15% of a square click in two weeks.
The average was apparently about 10,700 sq m per day of work.

There's a reason for the use of explosives in battlefield demining; mechanical demining is terribly slow.