Quote Originally Posted by COMMAR View Post
You might be terribly grieved by reason they said they removed it then. They said that... It appeared useless & seemed to serve no purpose.
Once going on line to fight became not in fashion he really had no job as a 'guide.' Plus that's been said before -- there were none before Korea, they got quickly added back in during that fracas, so no grieving from me (other than a head shake at business as usual ).

However, they missed the fact that most everyone knew that and kept the space around for most of another 160 plus years as an Assistant Platoon Sergeant for four reasons:

- Marine aggressiveness meant high casualty ratios and the rapid availability of an experienced NCO as a replacement in the heavy combat of WW II, Korea and even Viet Nam was important. (Today, right now anyway, with far fewer casualties, that seems less important to the folks who have not experienced 50% or more casualties in one operation and have been told to find spaces...).

- He could do the beans and bullets while the Platoon Sergeant did the more important tactical stuff and sheparded his LT. Or, if the Platoon Sergeant wasn't that competent tactically (it happens), the Guide hopefully would be...

- He was an immediate replacement (due to the above mentioned combat job and thus location) for a knocked out Platoon Sergeant -- or even a Squad Leader if that seemed worthwhile. Or for a Platoon Sergeant position in another Platoon that had taken even higher casualties. He had disappeared before in various reorganizations but just wouldn't stay dead...

- He was a counterpoint to the Platoon Sergeant and was being very effectively trained for that job while offering a different approach to the constant training of the Squad and FT Leaders.

Other than that, 'they' were right, It appeared useless...