Until we solve for all of the rest, the Social Media - Faceyspaces, and TwitteryTweets are all just a time suck. Trust me - I use all of them, and they all waste time. To try and use these to paint a picture, when we can't mine structured, normalized data is simply a bridge too far.

During last year, I read about a use case from the intel community for twitter - Imagine two patrols twitter about the same event (like an IED blast) from two vantage points. Or that all of the patrol members twitter about the event. Now we have 24 reports (or whatever) about the event, and in turn our intel studs can form a complete picture based on the 24 strories of 140 characters each.

Seriously? The market has been blown sky high, and I am jumping on my iPhone? I don't know how to text and return accurate fire. Moreover, how do we know it was one event or 24? Location, separated by time could create multiple events? Is that 1 or 24?

Again, until we are mature enough to use the systems in play, let's keep reporting out of MilBook and Twitter. (OK - We can use Wikis - Intellipedia is supposed to be pretty hot - though it is just another island of information not accessible to the enterprise half the time)