Hi John,

Quote Originally Posted by John T. Fishel View Post
As a great fan of Alinsky, I loved the comment. We didn't organize when I was 13 but we did organize a strike when I was 14 and a pretty good demonstration when I was 16. In college, many of us picketed an appearance of George Wallace before he spoke and then went inside and listened politely to what he had to say, and departed unconvinced.
I've got to say how shocked I am at the poor organizing capabilities of so many of today's students - I'm beginning to think there would be a great demand for an "applied poli sci" course in the area . I always suspected that we had a similar background ....

Quote Originally Posted by John T. Fishel View Post
No way I can top your grandmother's comment!!! Was she, perhaps, related to Neville Longbottom's Gran?
Wouldn't surprise me. Her official bio is here, although it is missing a lot; I guess they just don't like putting in "sayings" .