Don't just discard the value added of IC versions of twitter and facebook. Though they may not fill the need for many of the topics covered in this thread, mainly Terror Watchlisting, they willl/do provide a invaluable human networking resource. Not sure if you have seen the video for Chirp (IC Twitter) but if not check it out. I could not find a good link but I will keep looking and post back if I find it. But as I see it, two of the biggest problems an analyst faces is 1) not being able to get the information needed to make proper assessments due to lack of knowledge where the data he/she needs is available and 2) once they produce products not being able to distribute those products to the customers that need them but the analyst doesn't know exists. This is where Chirp really fits in: allowing analyst to publish reporting to the masses while tagging it for relevance, and allowing other analysts to pull the info based on needs from sources they didn't know existed. And allowing them to follow those sources to keep up to date.

I know there is lots of debate about whether the push or pull method of data dissemination is the best. And I think that it is really neither one but more of a combination of them. This is what Chirp does. But what it doesn't do is provide the human networking capacity like facebook... That is currently filled by old fashion email. But an IC facebook would combine the functionalities into one place and likely provide even more.

-Just my 2 cents