Quote Originally Posted by marct View Post
Hi JW,

I agree. In many ways, the tying of TNC global "culture", i.e. McDonald's everywhere, into the basic political philosophy that is the basis of the modern, Western democratic state has been a major mistake. The ideological message that we should be selling is TNC neutral - individual rights and responsibilities, a "social contract" within a democratic framework, individual freedoms, including freedom of religion, speech, the press, and a , broadly construed, "capitalist" system (there hasn't been a real capitalist system, a la Adam Smith, since the 1850's or so).

Do we face a tough, uphill struggle? Sure, so what? First, if it was easy, then every culture would have done it. Second, and more immediate, maybe the people who are getting paid outrageous amounts of money to do it should think about actually dong their job.

Absolutely bang on! And please, don't get me started on your left wing ! Honestly, when I was much younger, I used to hang around up at Parliament Hill. I had the privilege of spending a number of lunches and afternoons talking with people like Stanley Knowles and other "old time" CCF members from the old Social Justice stream. Now there were Left Wingers who took their policies and beliefs seriously!

Most of today's left wing, especially the American crowd of neo-Marxists I've run into, are, to quote my grandmother, a bunch of "Parlour Pinks"! They have the guts to complain, while sipping their drinks in posh hotels, but they won't get their butts out on the streets to actually help people who need it, let alone put their lives on the line for those beliefs! (Sorry, major soapbox!)

I think it might be a healthy exercise to consider that we, the West, HAVE been attacking Islam for some time now. OUR Weapon of Mass Destruction is the internet and mass media, and Joe Jihad objects more to Britney Spears than US support of Israel. If you consider how this impacts their culture, their Point of View is very understandable.

And the stark, no #### necessity for us to be prepared to fight them to the death, because "sweet-talking" them into accepting porn, "alternative lifestyles" and abortion doesn't seem to be very realistic at this point in time.

As an aside, Marc, as I said earlier, my wife and I support several worthy causes and often run into "American Leftists" who try to convince us to stop directly supporting these causes and start lobbying for someone else to pay for them through the gov't dole.