Here's some additional thoughts on Dr. K's message that may be relevant.

1. I liked his father's interpretation of Herodatus and small wars. Reminds us that these wars are not new, and in some ways, we're try to relearn them.

2. One thing Dr. K did not address is the impact on the local governance structure after a protracted war. This is extermely important, and it further complicates why turning A'stan around may prove a bit tougher than we think think. During Phase Two operations of insurgent infiltration, the Taliban will conduct Reduction of the Prestige or targeted assassinations. This weakening or destroying the existing tribal leadership creates a huge power vacuum that is not easily filled when we re-take the area. During this A'stan surge, we should expect to see a counter-attack along similar lines- elders that support the coalition being targeted for assasination or harrassed.

Quote Originally Posted by William F. Owen View Post
I see no need for a dialogue between those eliminating the insurgents and those building the peace afterwords. Two different jobs done by two different folk. - a bit like Fireman and decorators. "Fires out. Begin repairs," - or as they said in Dhofar, "defeat the insurgency so as we can begin development."
3. Wilf, unfortuately, right now, the commander clearing the area is the same dude trying to govern and build the peace afterwards. It's a young army or marine company commander. I had to do this in Iraq. We reorganized our company structure- Each PL had a neighborhood, one PSG was the mayor, one PSG was the Police Chief, one PSG worked civil projects. Initially, we had to do this b/c the village leadership structure was too weakened from the protracted civil war as I mentioned in point one. We did our best to try to negotiate land disputes and trade issues, get the schools and clinics reopened, etc, but a maneuver unit is not properly configured for these type of issues. Additionally, I lacked the wisdom of Solomon . I had to cross off benevolent dictator as future job prospects.

