oops, meant ages

Seriously all the points brought out during these discussions always lead me to step back and try to see what I may be too close to see in how I perceive those actions and teachings of those around me, let alone how those perceptions tend to shape approaches to life and learning.

From what I have studied I'd have to agree with Marc in that we probably reflect the Roman's more than we might be comfortable with, does however add to those things which we might be able to learn from some of the histories available.

Quote Originally Posted by Xenophon67 View Post
Clearly there is a weakness when one tries to continually 'teach' by analogy.

The risk of oversimplification is too great - and then all that can be produced is a sweeping, thesis-driven conclusion. Which too easily satisfies too many people.

Indeed the very prospect of 21st century Americans being able to fully comprehend the intricacies of Roman culture and psyche would be difficult, at best. The facts/details.....well the Roman historical record is incomplete, therefore would not be able to make a point-by-point comparative analysis.

Then again - we produce scores of battle analyses, we encourage our people to read about the "Great Captains" - so there has got to be some value in analogy.
Regarding over-simplification while I can see the truth in your statement is it not still a fact that quite often in large organizations or societies it may require a pretty simple approach just to try getting everyone on the same page. Goal being that even if their on the "wrong" page good leaders should be able to direct them more to where they need them since their at least starting on the same page together.

Of course you knew I'd have to try using an extreme oversimplification to counter

Quote Originally Posted by Xenophon67 View Post
Napoleon's sixteen months of intensive study seemed to bridge the gap of experience he never accumulated, thus leading to 64 victories.
Patton felt as if 'he was there' and seemed to fully embrace the stories he heard read to him.
There are always those special few who for some reason or another are able to do that. Guess we just have to hope they find there way into the right places at the right time. And of course (since hope isn't a method) its probably a good idea to get those education/training issues you've all been talking about fixed so theres a greater likelihood you actually find them in time to get them where they need to be.

Prob doesn't hurt to be lucky occasionally either.