Evening Marc and others!

It's very apparent 3 years later (perhaps this implies a false impression), that pounding them to death and conventional warfare is not working out, they only seem to be multiplying (that in itself is strange, since sex doesn't become them ).

So, from your point of view (no, not a trick question, just a me wondering), if we just huddled in and never went out (make them come to us, so to speak) what would be the likely outcome ? Collateral damage would certainly be less (well for them, since it would be our base being attacked).

I'm a soldier (err was) and it's far easier to defend a correctly chosen position (assuming you have that) than per se, to attack a fortified position coupled with your lack of knowledge of your adversary's will to die.

Afterall, they have observed our tactics and now perhaps have a slightly upper hand until such time as we change our tactics, and then they merely start again. Why is it, we don't watch their CSS units and take them out. Not soldiers, rather loggies with fuel, et al. We already saw it in action....it works and rather easy. Truck drivers are not the Infantry

120 has a very good point.
Not selling porn (we know they are not permitted to watch porn and drink alcohol ), but I think where it most suits them, they indeed pay much attention to media and often use said medium for their own twisted reasons.

Time to turn the tables and "exit strategy".

Let me know if this got a tad ambiguous

Regards, Stan