
Just a few thoughts from an armchair and using a hypothetical, local example - a posting to a new local intelligence post in the "outback":

1) Search out the new OiC and his operations NCO. talk to them, maybe understand them as much as they know you.
2) Do this on the principle of 'Know your customer'. Have they written anything, previous record and knowledge of the area?
3) Know your interpreter and local agencies.
4) Go to the new post beforehand and talk to your predecessor.
5) Get plenty of maps and photos - the latest editions.
6) What can the "boots on the ground" report on? Think hard on this; recent Helmand footage shows a patrol going 400-600m from a base and avoiding the locals.
7) Work out what parts of the area have been ignored; maybe people. Is that a valid judgement? If so helps to focus your efforts.
8) Can material provided from higher levels be used? Peter Clarke, ex-UK CT police commander, discusses this in a Colin Cramphorn lecture a few years ago.
9) Identify those "boots" that can be relied upon to fulfil tasks.
10) Think hard what can you do. Set targets and dump them if required.
