As we know, the Barrett and other 12.7 mm rifles have seen some use in the sandbox but probably not so much at section or even platoon level. Although I believe the German army issue it at section level but only to be pulled out of the vehicle when needed. I doubt that a foot patrol would lug it around on the off-chance that the may need it.

I’d agree with Wilf that the range is impressive but the effect against bunkers probably relatively minimal. Against light vehicles, sure. But even an AP 8.6 mm may be good enough in comparison, with a much lighter rifle. And I think that for something like a 12.7 to be effective against an enemy in a bunker, even if the bullet penetrates the bunker, you would still need to know exactly where the shooter is hiding behind that wall to hit him.

At the extreme end you could look at the NTW 20, but even these 20 mm grenades are probably a bit light against bunkers and the rifle is a near 30 kg beast. Again, not something for your average foot patrol…..or is it? It’s still lighter than two Javelins. Maybe as an over watch support weapon at platoon level or higher.

I think that these weapons are more suitable for surgical use against dedicated predetermined targets as opposed to knocking out bunkers that a section or platoon may stumble across during a gunfight.