Quote Originally Posted by Firn View Post
In this swarms the self organization makes sure that termite soldiers get recruited through sophisticated communication, told the objective (food), the intent and to observe METT. By using a combination of stealth and saber they reach the objective, recruit immediatly huge reinforcements "to get there first with most", use the stronger form (defense) and chemical shots to fend off attacking ants, exploit their success and mount after the successful action a fighting retreat.

Only half-joking
We can problably anthropomorphize almost any description of a phenomenon to make it easier for us to understand it. However, such an anthropomorphic description does not necessarily describe what is actually going on. For example, we could say that a thermostat turns on the air conditioner because it feels too hot, but I doubt that most folks really believe that a mechanical device has any feelings at all. Using gods and spirits as operative elements in describing how and why things work went out of fashion about the same time as phlogiston theory, didn't it?

Once we are able to take Humpty Dumpty's advice and make sure that we, not the word, is the master, I suspect we will find "swarming" is just some old wine in a new bottle. And as we know, no one wine is good for every occasion.