Quote Originally Posted by Wargames Mark View Post
Electronic technical publications exist. I don't know about producing them for established doctrine (in terms of payoff), but for "emerging doctrine" and new TTPs that need to be diseminated quickly across the force, I think that electronic, mobile publications and courseware are a great way to go. There is already Army interest in training material being run on mobile devices.
I was downloading ETMs from the LOGSA website in 2004. But those were just digital copies with hyperlinked bookmarks. Nothing all that innovative. I was advocating integrating technical references with the supply system networks to streamline technical work.

In regard to doctrinal pubs, I think we should keep a firewall between between doctrinal pubs and training materials. Otherwise, the tendency will be for the authors to create a training device in the form of a doctrinal pub and for people to click through the training material rather than absorb the doctrine.