Quote Originally Posted by bourbon View Post
Michael Milken, 60,000 Deaths, and the Story of Dendreon, by Mark Mitchell. Deep Capture.

What follows is part 1 of a 15-part series. The remaining installments will appear on Deep Capture over the next several weeks, after which point the story will be published in its entirety. It is a story about the travails of just one small company, but it describes market machinations that have affected hundreds of other companies, and it contains a larger message for anyone concerned about the “deep capture” of our nation’s media and regulatory bodies.
Dendreon stock mauling probed by regulators. Reuters, March 9, 2010.
(Reuters) - A lightening fast sell-off of shares of biotech company Dendreon (DNDN.O) last April is drawing scrutiny from U.S. securities regulators and the independent monitor assigned to keep tabs on those regulators, said people familiar with the matter.

They said an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission into the still unexplained trading event, during which shares of Dendreon plunged more than 69 percent in 70 seconds, is ongoing.