Quote Originally Posted by SteveMetz View Post
During the Cold War, our enemies were the best minds the other side could find, some of them brilliant. In the "long war," the bulk of our enemies are life's losers from here and around the world. I continue to think that our goal of trying to re-arrange the world to produce fewer losers is a fool's errands. There will always be losers (e.g. gangs in our culture). There has to be another way.
Steve, I don't think we're "trying to re-arrange the world to produce fewer losers," though I do agree that any attempt to do so would be a fool's errand. We cannot produce fewer losers, but we might be able to create an order whereby 1) the losers are constrained by a host country security apparatus and 2) we create incentives for those states to share information about activities that could pose a threat to other states.