Hi GS,

Quote Originally Posted by Global Scout View Post
Marc, agreed, but my focus is on accurately defining the problem. This is something Kilcullen took a pretty good stab at. We now simply call all those that fight us extremists, which is not helpful.
Totally agree with that ! While I disagree with some of Bob's World's definitions, I actually think he has a workable model. That said, the entire term "radicalization" is a problem, and, IMHO, we need to concentrate on one tiny, and very specific, component of it - the likelihood that people will shoot at us. Bob (and Dave K.) is, however, quite right that that is actually a balancing act between the restrictions we put on and the interpretations that people put on those restrictions (okay, I'll admit, I'm rather liberally interpolating here...).

That said, maybe the question to ask is by what process, in what manner and under what conditions do people come to believe that it is "right and proper" to shoot other people?