Quote Originally Posted by bourbon View Post
How Dubai unraveled a homicide, frame by frame, by Borzou Daragahi. Los Angeles Times, March 14, 2010.

A Perfectly Framed Assassination, by Robert Baer. The Wall Street Journal, February 27, 2010.
I don't buy the WSJ angle on this. The fact is that all 20 or so supsects got away clean on this. In fact, they were all out of Dubai before the Hamas dude was discovered dead.

Until modern surveillance advances to the point where it can prevent these types of hits, or at least lead to quick captures of suspects, this type of operation remains an option for organizations like the Mossad.

Mossad isn't stupid. They knew that thier team members would be captured on film. They made the conscious decision that it was worth exposing operatives to get this guy. We can argue whether that was a good decision, but trust me it is no suprise to Mossad that these guys pics are being flashed all over the interwebs.

These 20 individuals are now in the process of transforming into Isreali farmers or shopkeepers where they will spend the rest of their lives. Mossad knew they could never be used in an international operation again.