The bottom line on this is that none of us will likely ever know the full story behind this, and even if we did, we would not be able to discuss it in an open forum. They may have decided that it was worth the exposure, or they may have not realized the extent of the surveillance or they may intentionally exposed themselves as a message to their enemies that they will do what they deem necessary to protect the state of Israel. Speculation about it is really kind of pointless since we will never know.

pacifist, I find nothing surprising in your letter, but I do have a prediction: In a few years, the media equation will start to change AND the costs of blindly supporting Israel will accelerate until even the rich and powerful US will have to think twice before spending billions carrying water for Israel all over the world...then, these apparently "normal" views will change.
Dont take my word for it, just be willing to rethink assumptions and look will see that this situation is not tenable forever. It is in the interest of the Israeli people to make a reasonable peace with the Palestinians. Trying to beat and bludgeon their way out of this will not work.
Omar, long before that happens, the Arab nations of the world will have to do something about the perception that these nations are, by and large, populated by people who hate America. As long as that perception exists, Israel will be looked on as our only ally in the region. You can argue about whose fault it is that the perception exists but it does not change the fact of the perception.