Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
I have to admire this god-like ability to see the future that is not shared by the other billions of people.

Let's say the survivors had their conclusions; the correctness of these conclusions is up for debate.
It's got nothing to do with a "god-like ability to see the future" - The catastrophe which became the Holocaust was predicted, in very general terms, in Europe, as early as the 1870's. After 1945 there was a substantial body of opinion that it could happen again. Sure you can debate it, but so what?
Besides, Zionism started in the late 19th, so the holocaust was at best a catalyst.
Wrong. Modern Zionism started in the "late 19th Century" and was a very different brand of Zionism to that which came to exist post-1945, or even post 1948. Sure Ha Shoah was a catalyst. Again, so what?