One of Canada’s finest journalists is Steve Paikin at TV-Ontario.
In October 2009 he interviewed Gen. Wesley Clark (Ret) on the topic of energy security (28 mins).
This interview is currently posted at the Journal of Energy Security.

Gen. Clark has an excellent grasp of these complex issues and some very clear ideas about what we can and should do about them.
He is particularly optimistic about corn ethanol (at a time when many analysts of food & fuel issues see it as the wrong way to go).

The topics discussed (with start-times) are:

1m – history of US oil supply
5m – resource nationalism
10m – role of Canada (tar sands, etc)
13m – nuclear
16m – ethanol, transport fleet
19m – corn production
20m – US total energy consumption, alt energy, transportation vs stationary
24m – Clark’s investments & interests
25m – opposing interests & political change
27m – climate change threat

Here is the link: