Yassir Arman quits Sudan presidential poll

A leading contender for president of Sudan has withdrawn his candidacy, casting more doubt over the country’s first fully-contested poll since 1986.
The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) said Yassir Arman would not stand against President Omar al-Bashir.
The SPLM – former rebels from the south – blamed the continuing conflict in the Darfur region and “electoral irregularities” for his withdrawal.

Some even speak of a secret agreement:

Sudan opposition stunned by Arman’s withdrawal amid talk of secret NCP-SPLM deal
SPLM can say what ever they want, this was proposed to them longtime ago by Bashir.
There is nothing secret neither: NCP did not propose candidates for the Souh sudan presidentitial post neither for the States Governors.

Bashir and Kiir shared the cake and f### ##u the people, the West and your stupid elections...
Welcome in the new democratic Sudan!

Sometimes we should be a little harder with the people we help for decades!