Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
If only we could just start over...

The Karzai government, like the proverbial elephant in the drawing room, exists. It will seek, with a vigor worthy of a better cause, to perpetuate its existence... in fact that's probably the only thing it will do with any vigor or any efficiency. It won't vanish in a puff of smoke just because we decide that setting it up wasn't such a great idea. It will do all in its power to derail any effort that might compromise its position or profitability.
Cheer up. It ain't so bad.

Most, if not all, of what you typed could be said about our own government in the US. Nothing but graft and corruption to keep elected officials and bureaucrats entrenched in power and/or assured of job security and prestige. The advantage in Afghanistan is that Karzai does not have the support of nearly as many well-funded and well-connected interest groups as our elected individuals do. I'd say Afghanistan is more workable because, in ISAF, we have a comparatively large, well-funded, and comparatively efficient organization to act as a check against him.