Quote Originally Posted by kwillcox View Post
1. Do I understand that there are some really excellent vehicles, some rather odd looking, designed for small team transit but very survivable from land mines? I remember seeming some really odd vehicles when Rhodesia was fighting terrs? In Vietnam, were not most casualties from mines?

2. Has anyone read Luttwak's piece in Harpers? What is your reaction to it?

3. Libya was well on the way to maiking about ten nuclear bombs a year, and had produced about 20 KG of fissile material? We have all the stuff in TN. But no mention of the 20,000 presumably Iraqi technicians making all this tuff. Where are they now? Why all the secrecy?

4. What are the terms for

a. few trees so harder to hide ( why killing insurgents in Afghanistan is easier that it was in Vietnam) and

b. the low percentage of agricultural activity i a given area, and the sparse population near where insurgents travel, hence making a free fire zone more effective, with fewer civilian casualties. As I understand it, there are lots and lots of air-toground attacks in Afghanistan and things work very well.

This web site is superb. Thanks
What and where is the source of your comment about the 20,000 nuclear technicans? This could be very helpful if it is heavily, factually documented somewhere that is dependable vs. rumor.

George Singleton, Colonel, USAF, Ret.