Quote Originally Posted by William F. Owen View Post
[*]Why are we still saying "Hearts and Minds?"
Why? Because the concept of 'hearts and minds' is conventional wisdom within militaries. It is taught by the hierarchy as gospel, and very few people think through the causes and consequences of the concept.

I know that, before I started reading SWJ, I had considered it to be true and had never doubted the wisdom of the approach. It took a number of debates being read through, time spent in ISAF and participation in the argument before I changed my thoughts on the subject.

'Hearts and minds' is a concept that is easily acceptable, politically expedient (i.e. easy to sell to the media and one's own government) and sounds, on the surface at least, logical. Throw in the 'as history shows' comment by referencing success in Malaya as being brought about by a good 'hearts and minds' campaign and there is very little need to doubt or question the concept. Also, 'hearts and minds' is an exceedingly easy way of 'teaching' population-centric COIN as it currently stands in doctrine.

Rage against it, but 'hearts and minds' is a dominant (driving?) part of popular military thought right now. Rubbish it may be, but it's like that cheap and tacky paper-back author who keeps on hanging around - sometimes success is driven by appealing to the lowest common denominator.

Great find with regards to the article. I just wish that I had access to this at the very start of the year!