Quote Originally Posted by Jedburgh View Post
...I'm ready to go back. I'm getting bored as hell here in AR. This has been the longest period of my life since I was 18 in which I have not stepped foot OCONUS for operational purposes.

I spent my entire tour of duty in the Marines CONUS (83-86). Trained like a fiend never even had harsh words with anybody. I was with my FTO as a police officer in my first month in Washington state and got shot at 3 times (an aberration to be sure but a great story still) ......

I wonder if they'd hired me for some wicked salary to cover my summer down time? I have three months in the summer I sit on my back porch and dodge "honey do's". There probably isn't much need though for an expert at computer networking/security/forensics though. Besides I really don't want to get divorced. Take Marct.... He'll do it. Besides he's Canadian and expendable.