a long time ago...

Read those hard core left wing sites and you'll get flooded with misinformation. Aside from the links you posted, check this one: (LINK)They're even more pointedly anti Semitic...

Your first link, BTW, is old news. That briefing dates from a time when the US Air Force tried a power play to grab all the cyber warfare responsibility (and funding) for all of DoD. Didn't work.

She's been around for a long time, had several jobs and worked her way up the system, one step at a time; more history here: LINK. Note she started out at Booz Allen Hamilton, one of our larger think tankettes who offer a springboard into government. That was back in the 80s.

She's been a power player for a while (LINK scroll way down). Note all the females -- the US DoD is an equal opportunity employer. One hopes she learned something in all those positions. As for the major in Russian Studies, so too did Condoleeza Rice who parlayed that into the Secretary of State job. I also seem to recall that 85% of all degree holders work outside their major field...

Besides, she's a follower of Uncle Carl: (LINK), ergo she can't be all bad...

Not to worry, she's only an adviser to the Air Force Chief of Staff. He may or may not listen to her.