Quote Originally Posted by Colin Robinson View Post
But, since you ask..Who would be the best guys on the board to ask about general SFA principles, grand strategic, military strategic, operational, and tactical level, from Iraq and Afghanistan? I'm reasonably happy I've got the African side of things on the way to being cleared up, but need input from where the fire's been hottest.

And what of our Special Forces colleagues who have been doing FID since before it was fashionable? Anybody I should talk to?

I've learned a great amount and I've really appreciated all the inputs I've got so far. Cheers

There have been several threads on SFA, notably What is Security Force Assistance & What is JCISFA: http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/...ead.php?t=4997 and there is Security Force Assistance: Roles and Missions for SOF and Conventional Forces ( 1 2 3): http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/...ead.php?t=5305

Some of those who have posted may not be regular visitors, so a PM or email maybe required.