Quote Originally Posted by AusPTE View Post
I'd agree with Clausewitz in that war is politics by other means. But what is politics? It is certainly not a free-standing bloc detached from everything around it. War might be shaped by politics but the political environment is shaped by social, economic, cultural and environmental events that are taking place simultaneously.
Politics is how people live. It is the order imposed on their lives. Sure, resources and religion all impact politics, but without politics you cannot have war. All war is "80% political." We fight it to redistribute or reshape political power.
"Other phenomenon" (eg: globalisation, climate, religion) drives politics which creates conflict.
True. Many things drive politics, but "globalisation" does not create, in an of itself, "conflicts." Globalisation is a "so what" proposition.
I would say the advent of gunpowder (which is not a political but a technological event) has changed the way war is waged. Nuclear energy (another technological advance) certainly deterred state-state wars between countries with nuclear weapons. The Internet (one aspect of globalisation) has given a larger voice to individuals and allowed violent non-state actors to add new dimensions to war other than the purely physical (social, psychological).
So Warfare has changed, not War. The Internet is nothing to do with "Globalisation," more than the air travel and the telephone.