Quote Originally Posted by Culpeper View Post
Rudy Giuliani impleneted "gun" control in NYC to curb violence to great effect. Hum. Is this guy running for President?
The Sullivan Act outlawed guns in NYC LONG before "Rudy". What Rudy did was to actually ENFORCE the existing laws, and not just the gun control ones.

Gun control in Iraq will result in disarming the honest and will certainly not result in "justice". The intent of the "one gun per house" law was to allow the Iraqis to think they had a sufficiency of self-defense. As the gun is a totem, I think this is wise and just.

The only effective gun control is the symbolic kind, after utterly defeating the other side of the conflict by military means. "Stack Arms" at the end of acknowledged military defeat has merit.

To remove the totem without removing the basis for conflict would actually make things worse, and be seen as unreasonable high-handedness on our part. I think it would push fence-sitters (if there are any left) to the other side.

In addition, we have been trying to remove RPGs and crew-served weapons since 2003. So other than seizing legal guns from homes and antagonizing the populous, what is to be accomplished by a Weapons Secure Area?