Quote Originally Posted by jwater View Post

I'm with you and Cavguy regarding the quality of the commander, I just wanted to clear up that I was not suggesting phasing out systems designed for conventional combat, I understand the merits of the M1 and so forth, my concern remains in the practicality of their deployment in a zone like Iraq or A'stan. Like you said, conflict is not one size fits all, and I'm curious if it's really necessary to have M1s deployed at all. Obviously I'm not on the ground, so if I'm mistaken, please educate me!
Try this issue of ARMOR mag for starters, and let me know what you think. Armor has been hugely successful in Iraq. The most famous successes in Tal Afar and Ramadi were done by Armored Regiments/Brigades, and the heavy city fighting in Sadr City, Karbala, Najaf, and Fallujah reinforced the usefulness of tanks in urban combat.

This unit in particular is probably alive because of the actions of CPT John Moore and C/2-37 Armor.
and on and on and on....