I have little use for Lang's self professed 'expertise' but if he knows of no other foreign nationals who emigrated to the US, became US citizens -- some dual -- and moved into high places -- then he leads a sheltered life...

I realize that's not exactly the same thing as 'he knows no...' but it's close enough for government work -- which is as close as he seems to get.

I'd also suggest that Kass, like Lang, may not know as much as he thinks she knows. I doubt, for example, she knows America's likely response if Israel were to attack Iran -- mostly because I don't think 'we' * know what we'd do.

- * - 'We' being the entire US government. No doubt some in the Administration have ideas, probably several -- but Congress may have still other ideas...

You apparently also lead a sheltered existence, Pinniped -- you should broaden your horizons, an excessive amount of that leftish foolishness will warp your mind.