I note that she has also taken care that her children were born in Israel.
I'm wrong there. She didn't come to the U.S.A. until 1981 0r 82.

Without going into it in detail, one needs a computer science degree to have any understanding of "cyberwarfare".

Her presentation here is a disgrace:


Furthermore, her immoderate and simply untrue comments about Islam, if they were unfortunately accepted as true by the good Admiral, have the capacity to destroy Americas relationships with each and every Islamic country. Here is a sample of her rhetoric:

I recently attended a presentation by Dr. Lani Kass, special assistant to Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley and director of the Air Force Cyberspace Task Force. A former professor of military strategy and operations at the National War College, she helped develop the national strategy for combating terrorism and the military's Global War on Terrorism strategic plan. During her presentation, she detailed why we're at war with radical Islam, outlined their agenda and what we need to do to win this war.

After Sept. 11, 2001, most Americans asked the questions, "Why did they do this to us, and why do they hate us?" According to Doctor Kass, the reason stems from the history of Islam. Between the seventh and mid-16th centuries, Islamic culture was among the world's most dominant. For more than nine centuries, Islamic academia, medicine and science remained unrivaled. Islamic expansion and dominance declined in the 17th century following the advance of western culture and religion.

Those who follow radical Islamic believe it's God's will they dominate the world. They hate western culture because they feel the western world took their position in the world away from them, and they want it back.

Their intent was clearly outlined in a map posted on a Muttahida Jihad Council Web site titled, "The Map of United States of Islam." It shows the current Islamic dominated regions and the expected end state at the end of this century. By the year 2100, every nation and person on earth, including the United States, will follow the law of Islam.

The diversity of this intent, their level of hatred for western culture and their message of world domination became very clear to me recently while watching an interview of a captured terrorist leader. He was the mastermind behind hundreds of bombing deaths that targeted only westerners. He didn't operate in Afghanistan or Iraq or even the Middle East. He isn't affiliated with Al Qaeda but aligns with Osama bin Laden's principles that it's OK to kill civilians in the name of Islam, our arrogance is to blame for 9/11 and western cultures must give back everything taken from Muslims. He is Abu Dujana, the leader of the most notorious terrorist group -- in Indonesia.

We are in a fight for our lives.

To win this fight, we must first understand the fight we are in, Doctor Kass said. We must understand this war is unlike anything we've ever fought. It's not like World War I, World War II or the Cold War, because the foes we fought in those wars wanted to live.

Radical Islam, on the other hand, have developed a "culture of death" where they either meet their objective or die trying. In their narrow view, we must surrender and convert to Islam, or we must die. There is no middle ground or room for negotiation.

According to Doctor Kass, people in the United States fall into two groups. We are either sheep or sheepdogs. The sheep know wolves are stalking them but keep their heads down and continue to graze hoping the wolves will attack other sheep in the flock and not them. The sheepdogs know the wolves are out there, but they do something about it to protect the flock.

I feel there's a third type out there -- people who think we shouldn't fight this war and just pull back our troops. They're convinced if we leave the terrorists alone they'll leave us alone. However, this live-and-let-live philosophy is flawed, even suicidal. In the long term, radical Islam's strategic vision doesn't just include taking back their land and regaining the dominance they lost. They want to control the entire world. Those who do not submit to Islam must die.

As a military member, I'm honored to serve with the "sheepdogs" protecting our country, and I'm proud to be one of them.

When will this war end? It's tough to say right now. However, Doctor Kass provided a clue, "When they learn to love their children more than they hate us."


I'm sorry, but if this B.S. above is representative of the quality of advice she is whispering in Adm. Mullens shelly pink ear than God save the United States!!

I speak as someone who has travelled and traded through Indonesia, the worlds largest Muslim country for Thirty Five years, a country that, while Muslim, has booze, pork, women in the Government, bikinis, etc. as does Malaysia. it's a very laid back form of Islam, and I'm not standing idly by and watch attempts by Israelis to antagonise them into radicalism because it creates a massive headache for Australia were it to be successful. In addition we have our own troops on the ground in Afghanistan.

Furthermore her statement about the hard line Wahabists is untrue:

Those who follow radical Islamic believe it's God's will they dominate the world. They hate western culture because they feel the western world took their position in the world away from them, and they want it back.
These folks specifically reject Western culture in its entirety. Al Qaeeda in particular wants to overthrow the Saudi regime, and their antagonism for us arises out of our support for Israel, the Saudi Monarchy, and our pervasive communications technology (DVD, Internet) that is making it increasingly difficult for religious leaders to control their youth as they used to. I see no "world domination" tendencies outside a few sects that are no more important than the "Christianist' types that want exactly the same Theocratic type of government.

Having been to Karachi by accident many years ago, I have seen first hand the hate of the West, but that is by no means representative of Islam and it is patently false to claim it does, as apparently Dr. Kass does.

This is not a matter about Left or Right, or Conservative of Liberal. It is a matter of what are the best interests of the United States Of America? It is obvious at least to the President, the Vice President and Gen. Petreaus that Israels interests and U.S. interests are not the same thing. Why try and deny it?

Furthermore, it is neither Anti Semitic nor an Ad Hominem attack to fail to understand how Dr. Kass can possibly manage the conflict of interest she obviously has, in the position she apparently holds, period.