One has no clue what is happening watching an infantry night fight on a screen...

Even one involved in such a fight without night vision gear has little more clue.
Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
There is no blood that comes with success? Depends I suppose whose bodies get stacked up after the battle. If its a success then it should be their blood and their bodies, yes?
It is -- however, the US government will take but not ordinarily show such pictures and while the reporters and photographers who are there will show them, it's been my observation in a couple of other wars that Reporters are generally not around when bad firefights occur. Funny how that happens. Of course, there are exceptions but they are rare.

Note that Tanker Steve's quote is by a reporter telling the story of an ambush where he was not present and he almost certainly was not given permission to print the pictures the unit took, though he probably was allowed to see them. That one was just one of many and a reporter happened to hear of it, probably because it was allegedly that particular unit's first successful ambush on this deployment and he likely overheard some Troop chatter and checked it out -- so it makes the news. Most do not...

The opposition, OTOH, makes it a point to show picture and videos of any opposing dead. We don't sell by body count (or even release them, other than for a brief period that got quickly ended), they do. Different standards of conduct, rightly or wrongly and approach to the 'information war' angle. Western 'sensitivity' is a wonderful thing...