Quote Originally Posted by Sylvan View Post
We come from very different backgrounds, it would appear. You are a professional academian who has built a comfortable lifestyle around the facade that there is a peaceful coexistance possible between the PLO/Hamas and Israel. You certainly have job security, as the status quo hasn't changed in 30 years and has no reason to change in the next 30.
Sorry. This is bang out of order.
Speaking as someone living in Israel, carrying an Israeli ID card, and a lifelong Zionist, I say Rex Brynen is a stand up guy, who has put his ass on the line, in that he has lived the problems first hand. He is not part of the ME Peace Industry, and thus he's welcome at my house. We may not agree, but we do talk. If Rex wanted safe and comfortable he made some poor choices.
I am a professional soldier. I deal with facts.
I was and I do. What the "Facts are" is actually a huge part of the issue.