Quote Originally Posted by Moderator View Post
Moderator's Note: this appears to be a circulating rumour based on one news exclusive and gaining momentum by appearing on a variety of blogsites. Appearing on SWC may give the story more credibility. No news sites of note have the story.
Just to be clear, I framed the title as a question, then preceded another question with "If true..." and referred to the "alleged capture" and merely asked what this would mean. High profile captures/kills get hyped up (Saddam, Uday, Qusay) while others don't need the hype (Zarqawi). I'm curious where on the spectrum Mullah Omar would lie. I think your last comment about it being a "tester" may have some merit, which is one reason why I used the article as a prompt for the question. Sorry if I created the appearance that I was buying the story or using SWC as a conduit to lend it credibility.