Has nothing whatsoever to do with the legitimacy or credibility of the report. SWC didn't report it, Brad Thor at Big Government reported it. This report has been adequately questioned in this thread, and will be proven to be right or wrong. The thread is merely discussing it.

What am I missing?

As for the report itself, I am leary of it. It sounds too bizarre to be true. Furthermore, I don't typically get too hyped up over HVT killings. Generally speaking, I think the whole SOF-driven campaign against HVT is highly ineffective anyway, and a waste of their efforts. They should be matrixed to infantry units and part of the COIN operations. Get the SOF off of FOBs where they helo in to do direct action raids, and get them all to the Kunar and Nuristan provinces where the Army is taking heat, and the campaign will be much better for it. It's all much ado about very little, whether SOF, CIA, Pakistani SOF, or whomever. Wasteful cloak and dagger stuff, in my opinion. It's a good thing if true, and I would rather it be true than not. But the insurgency won't end with this news, right or wrong.