GEN Dempsey Notes – TRADOC Enterprise
Today, during GEN Dempsey’s discussion at the Fires Seminar, he discussed two broad mission sets. He defined these mission sets as, 1) wide areas of security, and 2) maneuver. GEN Dempsey stated our approach to both types needs balance and we can’t sub-optimize one for the other. Also, GEN Dempsey commented on development of the institution noting that in this century, we can’t be content to redesign ourselves every fifteen years. As the Army moves forward, he feels that the Army needs to adapt the institution on a possible two-year timeframe, transitioning from the current four-six year timeframe we currently operate in and do so with intent to redesign again every five years. For more of GEN Dempsey’s remarks and to watch other Fires Seminar briefings, log on to DCO-Connect at:
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