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  1. #2
    Former Member George L. Singleton's Avatar
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    Feb 2007
    South of Mason Dixon Line


    Quote Originally Posted by SWJED View Post
    The New Totalitarians: Social Identities and Radical Islamist Political Grand Strategy by Dr. Douglas J. Macdonald. US Army Strategic Studies Institute monograph posted 9 Feb 07.
    The good Professor's thesis is already well known from many published sources and by, more importantly, eveone's hands on experiences in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Saudi, etc.

    The model I watch is Pakistan, which some folks think I am "stuck on" merely because I once served there. However, Pakistan, to date, is the most balanced theocratic state, even though it is a benevolent dictatorship, on again, off again, currently "on again", and I happen to like and feel the need at present of General/President Musharraf.

    What do I mean by a "balanced theocratic state"? I mean that in the main the Shiia of all stripes [there are several subsets including the moderate and generally well educated business oriented followers of the Aga Khan, who lives in Paris)]and the Sunnis of the traditional moderate sort [not of the Saudi Wahabbi extremist sort] have coexisted until the advent of bin Laden throughout Pakistan fairly well together. The so-called Shiia-Sunni balance within Pakistan is about 50-50.

    As for the concept of and term "ummah" it is science fiction in fact. "The brotherhood of all Muslims" does not factually exist in that they, like all other groups and religions, have factions and competing interest groups, such as the Sunni and Shiia, among others, and are unable long term to pull together.

    Look at the moderate Islamic nations, and I use Jordan as one, a Kingdom, not a democracy, but in terms of the Islamic world Jordan is, to me at least, fairly moderate as an Islamic majority nation. Egypt, too, fits the bill but the media blows all splinter, radical group events there out of propotion to create the image of imminent revolution etc. in and for Egypt.

    I will not wear any patient readers out giving observations on varities of Islam in other nation states in which are significantly or majority Islamic in Africa, SW or SE Asia. You guys and gals are younger, brighter, and more up to date than us old coots.

    Summarized, I am being cantankerous to say that the Professor's observations, at least to me, are self evident. However, those of you rushing to do your basic duty, with young familes and responsibilities may not have had or don't have the time I have "made available" to myself to keep up with such ideas and thinking as the ummah.

    In might add that the most moderate and most democratic Islamic nation today in my view is Malaysia, otherwise formally named the United States of Malaysia. You will note a striking similiarily of their national flag to ours in terms of red and white stripes! They also have as best I can recall a female duly elected President. And they are a very Islamic nation religiously speaking.

    George Singleton
    Last edited by George L. Singleton; 02-11-2007 at 11:23 AM.


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